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Irrigating Fields


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APSA-80 also has a multiplier affect on any nutrient or chemical treatments it is used in combination with. Because it is non-corrosive, it has been shown to clean irrigation systems while being applied.

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APSA-80® has three main uses: one as an irrigation aid to the soil, second as a soil compaction aid, and third as a spray adjuvant for use with herbicide and pesticide sprays. By lowering the surface tension of water, APSA-80® can increase the rate at which water soaks into soil, reduce water losses due to evaporation and runoff, and increase crop yields.

Benefits of APSA 80

Dry Soil

Reduces the effects of soil compaction, allows for deeper water penetration

Wheat Crop

Reduces erosion due to less water run off and evaporation


Optimizes water useage, reduces irrigation expense

Farm Field

Non-corrosive, and biodegradable cleans metal pumps, tanks, and equipment during application process.


Improves weed and disease control, provides more uniform spread and coverage of spray herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.

Agricultural Spraying

Improves chemical effectiveness and helps keep pesticides in sloution

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Improves water penetration

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Increases root depth



APSA 80 Label

APSA 80 General Information

APSA 80 Soil Compation Study

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