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The Full Story


Thanks for visiting Great Plains Nutrients! We are Zack and Laela! We believe trusting relationships goes farther today than ever before. With that in mind, we want to share a little about us to start! 

Zack- was born in central Kansas in the Great Bend area. His family has lived on what is left of their family farm since the late 1800's. Growing up
around the farm played a vital role in nurturing Zack’s passions today. Also being on the farm he learned what hard work was and learned to figure things out when things break or don't go according to plan. He still believes that is one of the best ways to grow up. Being apart of a farming community, Zack has seen first hand how farmers have struggled
with droughts, and rising costs.

Laela- was also born and raised in central Kansas around the Great Bend area. In high school she was very active in Future Farmers of America (FFA). All 4 years of high school she was an officer in her FFA chapter ending her senior year as Chapter President. Laela still believes in the motto: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. Laela
has always admired the farming lifestyle. Growing up she often noticed the
hard work and long work hours of various farming operations. Laela has
always had a deep appreciation for these people and their work ethic. There are many devastating impacts that farming operations go through such as, drought, soil compaction, and environmental stressors that cut their profits. Laela knows the effect these
impacts have on not only the farming operations but the family behind
them, because people from her own family have endured these

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Great Plains Nutrients offers and provides the highest quality of customer service, education and value in an effort to strengthen our customers, company and agricultural community. We strive to educate and meet the needs of our clients so they can meet the needs of their family and community 


Our Vision at Great Plains Nutrients is to help the future generation farmers and keep their legacy of what it takes to be a farmer going throughout the next generations. We take pride in building a legacy business and building relationships along the way.

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